
Тестирование кошек: Curly coat

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Стандартный срок исследования: 12 рабочих дней
Цена за 1 тест: 56.00 $ без НДС

Curly coat in Selkirk rex

The Selkirk Rex is a relatively new breed of curly-haired cat based on a spontaneous mutation that was discovered in the USA in 1987. It is the c.445-1G>C mutation in the KRT71 gene, encoding keratin 71.

The inheritance of the mutation is autosomal incompletely dominant. This means that the phenotype of heterozygotes differs in the degree of expression from individuals with two mutant alleles (affected homozygote) and individuals without the mutation (wild-type).

The genetic test can clearly reveal the genotype of an animal and is a useful tool for breeders in breeding for the desired phenotype.



Gandolfi, B., Alhaddad, H., Joslin, S.E., Khan, R., Filler, S., Brem, G., Lyons, L.A. : A splice variant in KRT71 is associated with curly coat phenotype of Selkirk Rex cats. Sci Rep 3:2000, 2013. Pubmed reference: 23770706.

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Стандартный срок исследования: 12 рабочих дней
Цена за 1 тест: 56.00 $ без НДС