Paternity test
Paternity tests
The paternity testing can prove or exclude on the basis of DNA genetic test whether a man is a biological father of a child. How does it work? First, it is necessary to create the DNA profile of an individual. It is necessary to determine the set of inherited traits that are unique for each individual. By comparison and statistical evaluation of the DNA profiles of a farther and a child it can be proven their family relationship.
Collecting DNA samples is simple and painless – it is done using mouth swabs and the swabs are taken by rubbing the inner cheek. Do not take the swabs from tongue or saliva. For each person two oral swabs using the brushes are to be taken. The swabs can also be collected from a newborn baby.
Overview of our offers
Anonymous paternity test |
Standard paternity test |
Anonymity |
The laboratory does not need to know the identity of a customer. The laboratory does not know the identity of the person tested. Here you can learn more about the anonymity... |
The laboratory knows the identity of the customer and the identities of the persons tested. |
Placing the order |
Online on |
Payment |
§ Online with credit cards or by Paypal (+2,5 €) § Online payment by Paypal (+2,5 €) § Bank transfer |
Confirmation of your order |
You will receive a conformation email. |
Sample collection |
Upon receiving your payment, we will send you a DNA sample collection kit to the address stated in your order. The samples are collected by oral swabs. The kit contains brushes for cheek swabs, instructions for sample collection and a return envelope. Collect the sample according to the instructions enclosed. Send the samples to the laboratory in the return envelope (postage paid by customer). The laboratory charges a fee of EUR 22 for processing of non-standard samples (e.g. semen, chewing gum, cigarettes, things...). With a non-standard sample the risk of unsuccessful analysis is higher due to contamination with a foreign DNA or insufficient amount of test material. A price amounting to € 52 is charged for repeating the analysis of a non-standard sample. |
Upon receiving your payment, we will send you a DNA sample collection kit to the address stated in your order. The samples are collected by oral swabs. The kit contains brushes for cheek swabs, instructions for sample collection and a return envelope. Collect the sample according to the instructions enclosed. Send the samples to the laboratory in the return envelope (postage paid by customer). The laboratory charges a fee of EUR 22 for processing of non-standard samples (e.g. semen, chewing gum, cigarettes, things....). With a non-standard sample the risk of unsuccessful analysis is higher due to contamination with a foreign DNA or insufficient amount of test material. A price amounting to € 52 is charged for repeating the analysis of a non-standard sample. |
Verification of the identity of a person tested |
No |
Informed consent with the test |
Do not complete. The laboratory does not know the identity of the persons tested. |
The father tested and the child tested (or its legitimate representative) must fill in and sign the informed consents that form a part of the collection kit parcel. |
Way of reporting the results |
You will receive only a simple report of the DNA test result without DNA profiles of the persons tested stating the probability of the paternity. The persons are identified anonymously as Sample of person A and sample of person B. |
The test report with the test results contains full names and DNA-profiles of the persons tested incl. information about their verification and statistical evaluation. |
Method of result delivery |
The test report in pdf format is send only by email. |
The test report in pdf format is send by email and/or per registered mail to the address given. |
DNA filing |
The oral swabs and the DNA sample will be destroyed within 3 months after testing. |
Admissibility in court |
No |
No Note: As evidence in court it is necessary to submit legal paternity test as experts´ opinion. The price of experts´ opinion is about EUR 560. The collection process for legal paternity must be recorded. |
Price of DUO test (father + child) |
For customers from EU – EUR 155 |
For customers from EU – EUR 175 |
Price of TRIO test (father + 2 children or father + mother + child) |
For customers from EU – EUR 220 |
For customers from EU – EUR 245 |
Result consultation |
No |
Only by email |
Delivery period |
Within 3 weeks |
Within 3 weeks |
Possibility of express test |
No (under preparation) |
No |
The prices stated are inclusive added value tax.
Special offer: Result is available within after 3 working days at a price of EUR 480
Standard paternity test, TRIO version, with laboratory processing within 3 working days, delivery of sample collection kit and the test result by a courier service (the delivery time is not included in the time for testing).
DNA Sample Collection Instructions
You can watch our sample collection video to learn how collect correctly your samples.
Sibship tests
Genomia laboratory enables siblingship DNA tests. It is always necessary to assess each case individually. The test price depends on the number of the persons tested:
- DUO sibship test for 260 Eur - evaluation of autosomal STR profiles (suitable for two sisters or brother and sister)
- TRIO sibship test for 390 Eur - evaluation of autosomal STR profiles (suitable for two sisters or brother and sister and one parent)
- sibship of two men 260 Eur - evaluation of Y-STR profiles (suitable for brothers - premise: potential fathers are not paternally related) - high test value!
The laboratory charges a fee of EUR 22 for processing of non-standard samples (e.g. semen, chewing gum, cigarettes, things...).
What happens with my personal data and DNA sample after testing?
All data and results are handled as sensitive personal data. The buccal swab samples, DNA samples are destroyed 3 months after performing the test. The laboratory records are kept anonymous. The laboratory performs its activities in compliance with the standard ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
Quality Certificate
Genomia took part in quality control organised by Czechoslovak Society for Forensic Genetics and passed successfully in 100 % of exercises. Here you can view our Quality Certificate: