Accreditation and Quality

Genomia - Accredited Genetics Laboratory, ISAG member, IPFD sponsor





Genomia laboratory is accredited by Czech Accreditation Institute under number 1549 in compliance with ISO 17025 standards.

Attachment to the accreditation certificate – Attached is the list of accredited tests as of 21 March 2023.

The list of tests introduced within the flexible scope of accreditation (Jan 1, 2024): ---

What does a flexible scope of accreditation mean?


What an accreditation means?

Accreditation is the procedure by which an authoritative body gives formal recognition that a laboratory is competent to carry out specific tasks. Accreditation allows people to make an informed decision when selecting a laboratory, as it demonstrates competence, impartiality and capability. It helps to underpin the credibility and performance of goods and services.

Accreditation bodies around the world, which have been evaluated by peers as competent, have signed an arrangement that enhances the acceptance of products and services across national borders. The purpose of this arrangement, the ILAC Arrangement, is to create an international framework to support international trade through the removal of technical barriers.

The Czech Accreditation Institute (CAI), National Accreditation Body, provides unambiguous, objective and independent assessment of competence (accreditation).
There is a uniform European accreditation system. The principle of a uniform European accreditation system, formed by national accreditation bodies working in conformity with uniform rules and performing accreditation according to defined internationally recognized standards, is based on the EC position as defined in the Global Conception of Testing and Certification. Certification. Obligatory accreditation standard for testing laboratories like Genomia is ISO 17025.

Accreditation is not compulsory for running a diagnostic genetic laboratory. Genomia has joined European Accreditation system voluntarily. Main reason, why the laboratory management decided for accrediting, is to prove that Genomia is respectable, reliable, high quality working and modern laboratory.

Genomia refers to the accreditation in the result certificates of accredited examinations. Genomia treats all samples and all the examinations in the same manner. Genomia always uses accredited practice; all laboratory methodologies are properly tested and validated.

The fact that some tests are unaccredited does not mean that the results are invalid or inferior. It just means that it has not been applied yet for accreditation assessment of the test. At this point it should be emphasized that not all laboratories in the field of veterinary genetic diagnostics are accredited; many of common veterinary genetic tests are no accredited in any of laboratories in Europe.

Genomia cooperates with customers from wide world; until now Genomia has cooperated with breeders from more than 30 world countries. Breeders from Czech Republic represent about 20% of all the customers.


International accreditation system is formed of

  • EA - European co-operation for Accreditation, (European level)
  • ILAC - International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, (world level)
  • IAF - International Accreditation Forum, (world level)
  • FAB - Forum of Accreditation Bodies

This international accreditation system guarantees professional level of work and approach of CAI.

Accreditation awarded by Czech Accreditation Institute is valid and respected in all states that have joined the ILAC Arrangement, for example whole EU, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, China, USA, Brazil, South Africa and others.


What does a flexible scope of accreditation mean?

The flexible scope of accreditation allows a laboratory in specific cases to introduce or modify methods within shorter period of time than if the standard way of evaluation/verification performed by an accreditation body is used. If the laboratory proves that it has been already able to introduce or modify some methods properly so that the accreditation body gains confidence in the laboratory that it will be capable to do so in future as well, it will be a sufficient basis for defining the accreditation scope on a more general basis.

Definition: A flexible scope of accreditation is an accreditation scope that enables a continuous development of services provided and covered by the accreditation according to customer´s needs (introduction of a new method or a test procedure, calibration methods or an examination or a standard or a modified method within the already granted scope of accreditation). The possibility of introduction of new or modified methods does not include introduction of new principles of measurement, calibration or examination.

Test introduced in the mode of flexible scope of accreditation are listed above on this page.


Genomia is an ISAG member

Genomia regularly participates in comparative quality tests, that are every two years held by ISAG (International Society for Animal Genetics). Here, you can see latest certificate of quality, where Genomia was successful in 2018, 2016 as well as in 2014 in 100% of all the determined markers of canine DNA profile. Genomia also achieved rank 1 at cat and horse DNA profiling comparative tests. :-)





















Genomia supports IPFD

Genomia is a proud sponsor of International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD) and supports Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs Initiative. Genomia joined IPFD initiative in 2017.


The International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD), legally registered in Sweden, is a non-profit organization and its mission is to facilitate collaboration and sharing of resources to enhance the health, well-being and welfare of pedigreed dogs and all dogs worldwide. The International Partnership for Dogs mission is to facilitate collaboration and sharing of resources to enhance the health, well-being and welfare of pedigreed dogs and all dogs worldwide., the internet platform of the IPFD functions as the information hub, providing links and additional resources to breeders and others in the dog world.

IPFD is overseeing a multi-stakeholder, collaborative effort to create an open access, sustainable online resource that will:

  • Catalog information provided voluntarily from commercial test providers (GTPs) for genetic testing (GT) in dogs.
  • Describe expertise, quality assurance, activities and resources; host expert panel reviews of genetic tests;
  • Coordinate a program for standardized proficiency testing and potentially peer review and audit;
  • Collate/assemble existing and new resources for genetic counselling and education; and provide the foundation for further developments.