Terms and Conditions

General Business Terms and Conditions

updated May 13, 2021

Ordering tests
Samples and their properties
Acceptance of samples
Laboratory conditions for refusal of sample for analysis
Cancelling tests
Examination period of duration
Examination results
Payments for examination
Fees for complementary services
Claim conditions
Principles of Personal Data Protection
Consent to using personal data for marketing purposes
Conditions for granting contractual club discounts to dog and cat breeders


Ordering tests

By ordering a test in any form (in writing, orally, by telephone, online, etc.) the customer agrees with the laboratory’s business conditions.


Ordering tests electronically

On the next working day of filing an electronic order at the latest, the customer is sent an electronic confirmation of order acknowledgement. The confirmation contains a listing of ordered samples and tests, the customer's and laboratory's contacts, and payment instructions.

If the customer orders sampling materials, they will be sent to it through regular post the next working day at the latest. The laboratory sends sampling materials without being paid the ordered tests.

Ordering tests on paperwork

The ordering form can be downloaded. Ordering on paperwork is charged according to the price list.

Samples and their properties

The laboratory accepts samples that are marked and taken in conformity with instructions.

The customer may be asked to take another sample in the case that sampling needs to be repeated for successful completion of the analysis.

The standard sample for testing is blood in EDTA or two dry oral swabs (sterile cytobrushes, dried after collection of the swab and stored in a paper envelope). If the analysis of the standard sample fails, we will ask for a new standard sample to be sent; we do not charge for repeat testing.

If you send a sample other than the standard sample, we are entitled to refuse to analyse it or charge an additional fee for processing the non-standard sample according to the current price list. If we fail to analyse a non-standard sample, we will ask you to send a new standard sample and charge a fee of 30% of the repeat test price.

The customer is entitled to one free re-analysis in the case the analysis failed from standard sample collection (it does not apply to determination of DNA profile from oral mucosa swabs). Oral mucosa swab samples belong to less reliable sources of DNA due to the variability of the amount of the taken material and their lesser stability in terms of preservation and transport.

Extra-human samples become laboratory property upon acceptance by the laboratory and may be used for internal quality inspection of laboratory work or for research purposes within the laboratory. Extra-human samples for which the fee for sample archiving has been paid will not be used for internal quality inspection of laboratory work or for research purposes within the laboratory.

Human samples are subject to anonymous processing and are disposed of upon customer's receiving and accepting the test result.

Acceptance of samples

The customer is informed about sample delivery to the laboratory via an automatically generated e-mail.

Laboratory conditions for refusal of sample for analysis

The laboratory will refuse to analyse a sample if the same has been marked improperly, whereby preventing its unequivocal identification.

The laboratory will carry out no analysis if no biological material has been supplied.

The laboratory may refuse making an analysis in case of the following:

  • Incorrect sampling (wrong sampling material; biological material which cannot be analysed as required;failure to meet the sampling conditions);
  • Failure to meet the sample transport conditions (such as the sample delivery time limit for molecular-genetic examination of pathogens orpoor quality of sample when received by the laboratory - heavy sample degradation or damage)
  • Insufficient quantity of biologic material
  • Absence of an informed approval for molecular-genetic tests of persons

The competent personnel of the laboratory will decide on the day of sample delivery to the laboratory on whether to start analysis or refuse the sample. The customer will be informed in case of sample refusal and asked to repeat sampling.

Cancelling tests

Examination can be cancelled free of charge before sample delivery to the laboratory.

Examination cannot be cancelled after sample delivery to the laboratory or after the laboratory has informed the customer of sample delivery. As a rule, the first steps of the analysis (DNA isolation) are started immediately after sample delivery to the laboratory. If the test is cancelled the day of sample delivery after the customer has already been sent an e-mail informing about sample acceptance, the customer will be charged a cancellation fee. Later cancellation than on the day of delivery is only possible for a cancellation fee provided further sample analysis has not been started yet. Cancellation fee is being charged according to the pricelist.

Examination period of duration

The web pages for the individual examinations and also the price list web page specify the usual periods of time of finishing particular analyses in working days. If you ordered more tests for one sample, so you will receive results of all tests together with the results of the most time-consuming test. For exact determination of the deadline for test results, please, do not hesitate to contact our laboratory.

The usual period of duration of examinationdoes not include the days off as published on the web pages in the Contacts section.

The laboratory provides its services in delivery time that follows from the test methods used and the time needed for the execution of the tests ordered. The laboratory will meet the justified requirements of customers for an earlier delivery date if the type of the test and the laboratory operation allow it.

The customer can order an express execution of the tests within 48 hours from sample receipt at the laboratory against a payment of an extra fee (this time does not included weekends and bank holidays). Express fee is being charged according to the pricelist.

An express execution of tests for determination of DNA-profiles cannot be ordered.

If it is not possible to send the test result to the customer within the usual time limit, the customer will be informed about it on the last day of the usual period of duration of the analysis at the latest.

Examination results

The results are confidential and are disclosed only to the customer.

The results are not sent to the customer unless the payment for the tests ordered is executed.

Before payment, examination results are released to contractual customers only.

Examination results are sent by the laboratory in an electronic form in the .pdf format.

Printed out reports on examination results can be ordered as a charged service. Printouts are always sent to summarize the whole order usually on the next working day after completing the order.

The result always relates to the item (sample) being tested, not to the individual from whom the sample was taken.

Without a written consent by the lab, the report must not be reproduced unless as a whole.

Under no circumstances will the laboratory be liable for any consequences caused by using the conclusions and results of the tests or by different interpretation of the test results. The laboratory will be responsible for any damage only to the extent of the real damage caused, however not for any profit lost or any indirect or subsequent damages.

The customer undertakes not to change the contents of the test report or the meaning of the report or the test results in any way. If he/she fails to meet the obligation as specified in the previous sentence, the customer shall be obliged to pay a contractual penalty amounting to CZK 100,000.-. Payment of the contractual penalty does not in any way affect the right of the laboratory to claim damages related directly or indirectly to the breach of the obligation in the amount that exceeds the amount of the contractual penalty.

Payments for examination

Payments for examination can be made in the following ways:

  • Bank transfer
  • Deposit on account
  • Payment card viaPaypalservice for customers not registered inPaypal
  • Paypal service
  • Cash in the laboratory

Fees for complementary services

Fee of 2.50 Eur for paper order processing
Fee of 8.00 Eur for a shipment of sampling materials
Fee of 5.00 Eur for sending results by post
Fee of 2.50 Eur for payment via payment card orpaypal
Fee of 6.00 Eur processing externally processed genetic profile to verify parentage in Genomia
Fee of 39.00 Eur for express testing in 48 hours (charged for each type of test that is processed preferably; does not apply to the genetic profile) - please, ask in laboratory
Fee of 16.00 Eur for cancelling analysis after sample delivery to the laboratory

...more at pricelist

Claims Procedure Rules

By these Claims Procedure Rules Genomia s.r.o. stipulates its conditions, scope and the manner of application of laboratory's liability for defective result of their services in conformity with Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer's Protection. The result means the content of the written information being the result of laboratory's service.

The laboratory is responsible for the quality of the result. The laboratory shall not be liable for the damage caused by incorrect interpretation of the result by the client and for any and all damage resulting from that. The client shall be responsible for observing the instructions for sample taking and its storing until it is accepted by the laboratory and shall be liable for the damage incurred as a result of failure to observe the conditions for sample taking and storing before its handover to the laboratory.

The client may claim the laboratory's result without undue delay upon discovering the defect, however, within two years of receiving the report of the result at the latest.


A) Claims procedure conditions

The result of Genomia s.r.o. laboratory may be claimed under the following conditions:

  1. The samples analyzed by Genomia s.r.o. laboratory and the samples proving the erroneous result must have a documented course of sampling process. The claim needs to include evidence of the verified sample taking of both samples implemented by a third impartial party, which shall confirm observance of the conditions for taking of samples in writing and shall state its identifications details and its relation to the client.
  2. If there is a variance between the genotype of the parents and the offspring in the case that the result of an inherited dispositions test is claimed, the client must provide the reports of results of examination of the parents or the offspring showing obvious conflict with inheritance rules.
  3. In the case of a claim when there is a variance between the result of Genomia s.r.o. and another laboratory provided the object of analysis is the same (e.g. analysis of the same gene mutation) and the sampling conditions are the same as well, the client must document the result of the other laboratory including the description of the tested quality (e.g. gene variant).
  4. When filing a claim, the client must attach to it the result from another laboratory which conducted the same type of test on the same type of sample, taken for both tests at the same time and must attach to it the evidence of the identity of these prerequisites.

B) Manner of lodging a claim

Claims are filed in writing either at laboratory's seat or by sending them to laboratory's address or by e-mail.

If the conditions for making a claim are met and the claim is duly documented by the client, the laboratory shall immediately launch the claim handling procedure.

The laboratory shall settle the claim within 30 days of the start of the claim handling procedure. The laboratory shall notify the client of the result of the procedure in writing.

If it is proven that the claimed result was erroneous, the laboratory shall issue a corrective report. The laboratory shall issue this report even if it discovers an erroneous result based on its own initiative.

If the claim is found to be justified, the laboratory shall pay to the client the sum equal to the price paid within 7 days of receiving the details of the bank account from the client.

Principles of Personal Data Protection

The Principles define the basis on which the Laboratory processes any personal data obtained in connection with its scope of business, with using the services of the Laboratory, e-mail and other reports, as well as other communication with the Customer.

Through its express consent with the Business Terms and Conditions and the present Principles, the Customer accepts the wording and the procedures described herein.

The Laboratory has to obtain and process personal data in order to conclude a contract with the Customer and to provide a service. The provision of the data is voluntary; however, within the scope necessary for contract conclusion, it is a precondition for establishing a contractual relationship. The personal data being processed receives the highest standard of protection in accordance with the legislation applicable to personal data protection.

The term “personal data” includes name, surname, address, contact data including electronic, other communicated data and data developed by the Laboratory when processing the data thus obtained and as a result of service provision. The Laboratory processes personal data in the form in which it has received it from the client and in compliance with the purpose for which it is processed.

All the persons who get into contact with the personal data of clients within the fulfilment of their working and other duties are bound by the statutory or contractual obligation of confidentiality.

The personal data is processed by the Laboratory both in a manual and automated manner for the purpose of service provision and for a period necessary to meet the purpose of data processing. The Laboratory undertakes to maintain confidentiality with respect to the client’s personal data and to protect it adequately to prevent any unauthorized or accidental access to, alteration, destruction or loss, unauthorized transfer and processing, as well as other misuse of the personal data.

The client is entitled to ask the Laboratory in writing to be provided with information about the scope of personal data processing in relation to the fulfilment of the contract, to raise an objection against personal data processing, to inspect the personal data, to ask having the data amended or updated and to reduce the scope of the personal data and has the right to have the personal data erased as well as other rights following from the applicable legislation. The Customer may request the information on personal data processing at the registered office of the Laboratory or in writing at the e-mail address of the Laboratory.

Further, the Laboratory advises on the option to address the personal data protection supervisory authority if in doubt as to the observance of the obligations relating to personal data processing.

Consent to using personal data for marketing purposes

The consent is being granted to the Laboratory to contact the client in a written or electronic form when using the personal data provided to offer its services or in other marketing communication. Granting the consent is voluntary and does not represent a precondition for contract conclusion. The consent of such personal data processing can be withdrawn at any time in writing at the e-mail address of the Laboratory. The approval is effective from the day of being granted during the period of using our services and 4 years thereafter, unless the customer revokes it.

Genomia may send marketing communications to the customer concerning its own similar services without the customer’s prior consent (to inform him/her, for instance, about a new genetic test for the dog breed usually tested by the customer). The customer has the right to refuse any such marketing communications concerning its own similar services, and Genomia will stop offering further similar services to him/her.

Conditions for granting contractual club discounts to dog and cat breeders

Genomia will grant the members of dog and cat Clubs a discount of 10% on genetic tests ordered on-line on our web pages.

Conditions for granting a discount:

  • The customer is a member of a Club registered with Genomia - this fact is to be noted in the order. The laboratory is entitled to contact the contact person of the relevant breeding organisation for the purpose of the membership verification.
  • The discount cannot be claimed retrospectively, the customer have to ask for the discount during order placement.
  • The 10% discount is deducted from the total price of the genetic tests. The discount will be deducted after order confirmation.
  • The genetic tests are ordered online.
  • The discount does not apply to additional services.
  • The discount does not apply to serological and immunological tests.
  • During sample taking it is necessary to check the identity of the individual - to this purpose, the form available at websites is to be used.
  • The order processing is governed by the general business conditions of the laboratory.
  • Club discount 10% can be added to the quantity discount granted for ordering of 20 and more genetic tests.
  • The club discount of 10% is not added to the individual loyalty discount.

Would you like to obtain 10% discount for your breed club? Fill in the form and register your club.

The offer is valid for 2018 - 2024. The right for discount is not provided by state laws. Changes reserved.