Prague Ratter
Coat colors of Prague Ratter
Locus A is responsible for final solid or tanned coat color. If the Prague Ratter carries one Ay allele, the coat color is solid red. If the Prague Ratter carries AtAt alleles, the coat color is tanned.
Locus B is responsible for black or brown color of coat and nose. If the dog carries bb alleles, he has brown nose and coat. If the dog has eebb genotype combination, he is yellow with brown nose.
Locus E is responsible for yellow coat color. The dog with ee genotype is yellow.
Locus D is responsible for color dilution. The dog with dd genotype has diluted basic coat color: black to blue, brown to lila.
Locus M is responsible for merle color. If the dog carries one merle allele, he is merle colored (see separate article about merle). All coat colors can be in merle variant.
Red coat color
Red color is caused by Ay allele, which is dominant. One Ay allele is enough to express the red coat color.
Possible genotypes of red dogs in A and E loci:
Ee AyAy - carrier of yellow
EE AyAt - carrier of tan
Ee AyAt - carrier of yellow and tan
Tanned and non-diluted coat color
Tan is caused by locus A (atat genotype).
Black and tan - possible genotypes:
EE atat
Ee atat - carrier of yellow
Brown and tan - possible genotypes:
EE bb atat
Ee bb atat - carrier of yellow
Yellow and tan - tan is not obviously visible, possible genotypes:
ee BB atat - yellow and tan coat with black nose
ee Bb atat - yellow and tan coat with black nose, carrier of brown nose
ee bb atat - yellow and tan coat with brown nose
Tanned and diluted coat color
Locus D (dd genotype) is responsible for color.
Blue and tan - possible genotypes:
EE BB dd atat
Ee BB dd atat - carrier of yellow
Ee Bb dd atat - carrier of yellow and brow
Lila and tan - possible genotypes:
EE bb dd atat