Testing of dogs: Parentage to the STR genetic profile - for young

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Dog parentage testing

If you order a paternity test for offsprings, a test of a genetic profile at a price of Eur 48 (Eur 39.67 without VAT) will be included in your order automatically. The analysis of the genetic profile of an individual is necessary for paternity determination. The relationship of the individuals is determined by comparison of their genetic profiles. Genomia laboratory uses 22 markers to determine the genetic profile in accordance with ISAG.

Parental testing is performed by comparison of genetic profiles of the animals tested – offspring, mother and farther. The proof of maternity and paternity is not clear unless the whole family is tested and compared.

To assess the relationship in the family – offspring, father, mother  – it is necessary to determine the genetic profile of all participants.  The results of parental testing are four certificates – three certificates with genetic profiles and one certificate with paternity verification.


Can I provide a genetic profile that has been already determined for the proof of paternity?

Instead of a sample for genetic profile determination, it is possible to submit an already determined genetic profile.  If one of the genetic profiles to be tested was determined in other laboratory, Genomia laboratory charges a fee of 6 Eur (incl. VAT) for processing the external genetic profile (you can find the fee in the price list for our services).


What genetic profile is?

Genetic profile (also DNA profile) can be determined from a blood sample. Dog paternity analysis is the same as with humans. Common markers among offspring DNA and parents DNA are searched for. A parentage is proved, if probable parent is detected like biological parent. Sequences repeated in tandems (microsatellites) are used for parentage testing. These microsatellites contain sequences repeated in tandems from two to seven base pairs. Microsatellites are inherited in Mendelian manner. Each offspring has to correspond with a parent in 50% of each microsatellite marker. Microsatellite markers are used for individual identification and, for paternity analysis in humans and animals. Size of a marker (number of base pair in a microsatellite) is detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and subsequent fragment analysis. One of the primers for PCR is marked on 5´end by a florescent dye. Fragments are separated and detected by automatic electrophoresis instrument.
For dog parentage testing at least 17 of these 22 locuses are used AHTk211, CXX279, REN169O18, INU055, REN54P11, INRA21, AHT137, REN169D01, AHTh260, AHTk253, INU005, INU030, Amelogenin, FH2848, AHT121, FH2054, REN162C04, AHTh171, REN247M23, AHTH130, REN105L03, REN64E19. These markers are recommended by the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG).

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Usual turnaround time: 14 business days
1 test price: 5.00 $ without VAT