Newfoundland dog
Newfoundlands colour variants
In the Newfoundlander dogs have black, brown or grey coat colour. Locus B is responsible for black or brown coat color in Newfoundland dogs. Genotype b/b induces brown coat color; genotypes B/b and B/B cause black coat color. A dog with B/b genotype is also a carrier of brown color.
The grey coat colour is a suitable example of mutual effect of the individual alleles. The lighter shades of black are a result of the effect of alleles in D-locus („Dilution") and the phenotype in a dog with dd-genotype is expressed with grey coat colour.
Tests for all loci mentioned are performed by Genomia laboratory - continue to place an order and for detailed information
The tests are performed on samples of blood or buccal swabs.
Possible coat colors of Newfoundland dogs:
Genotype |
Coat colour |
black |
BbDD |
black (carrier of brown) |
bbDD |
brown |
BBDd |
black (carrier of dilution) |
BbDd |
black (carrier of brown + carrier of dilution) |
bbDd |
brown (carrier of dilution) |
BBdd |
grey |
Bbdd |
grey (carrier of brown) |
bbdd |
pale brown |
The picture shows an example of black (genotype E-B-D) and brown (genotype E-bb-D) Newfoundlander: