Testing of dogs: CMSD in Kerry Blue Terrier

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Canine Multiple System Degeneration (CMSD)

Multiple System degeneration in dogs (CMSD) is a genetic disease inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. It was recognized in Chinese Crested dogs and Kerry Blue Terriers. The disease is caused by mutations c.128+1_128+4delGTAA, c.1482G>A in SERAC1gene that is located on the chromosome 1. Genomia laboratory offers a DNA-test for Chinese Crested dogs and Kerry Blue Terriers.

The affected dogs suffer primarily from movement disorders due to motor system degeneration. It is characterized by degeneration of neurons in one of the midbrain region and loss of cerebellar cells.   The course and symptoms of the canine multiple system degeneration are similar to juvenile Parkinson´s disease in humans that is caused by a gene located in the same regions as the examined gene SERAC1. The affected dog can be recognized according to signs such as unnatural tremor of the head (most prominent when dogs attempt to eat), late reaction, convulsiveness and progressive loss of movement coordination (cereberall ataxia) that starts to develop approximately at 3 to 6 months of age. In affected dogs, falls can be observed only seldom at the initial stage of the disease. However, at 6 to 8 months of age, the fall frequency increases rapidly and the dogs are unable to move and stand straight. The forelimbs are usually most affected. The dog is bended in humped position, swings on its forelimbs and desperately tries to keep balance. With regard to the progress of this disease, the dog must be in most cases euthanized at 13 to 18 months of age.

The occurrence of CMSD can be controlled and reduced by genetic testing and subsequent suitable selection of parents. Thanks to this testing, we can identify the gene variant carried by the breeding dogs and avoid mating of unsuitable breeding pair who would produce affected pups.

Mutation that causes CMSD is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. That means the disease affects dogs with P/P (positive / positive) genotype only. The dogs with P/N (positive /negative) genotype are clinically without any symptom. They are genetically considered carriers of the disease (heterozygotes). In offspring of two heterozygous animals following genotype distribution can be expected: 25 % N/N (healthy non-carriers), 25 % P/P (affected), and 50 % N/P (healthy carriers). Because of high risk of producing affected offspring, mating of two N/P animals (carriers) can not be recommended.



O'Brien, Dennis P., et al. "Genetic mapping of canine multiple system degeneration and ectodermal dysplasia loci." Journal of heredity 96.7 (2005): 727-734.

Zeng, Rong. Molecular genetic studies in canine inherited diseases including neonatal cerebellar ataxia, degenerative myelopathy and multiple system degeneration. Diss. University of Missouri--Columbia, 2013.

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Usual turnaround time: 12 business days
1 test price: 56.00 $ without VAT