Testing of cats

Genomia offers highly specialized tests for cats in various areas.  We gained valuable experience in this field which we use to achieve higher satisfaction of our customers in our country and abroad.

We carry out genetic tests for detection of a number of inherited diseases and congenital defects in cats, detection of pathogens, allergy tests in cats, parentage tests and tests for determination of hair colour and quality.

Test category: Cats

Test Test description
Combination Balinese cat
Factor XII deficiency + Blood Group DNA test + MDR1 + PRA-rdAc
Combination Bengal cat
b-PRA, PK, rdAc-PRA, genetic of blood group
Combination Birma
Hypotrichosis + Myotonia + Blood Group DNA test + PKD + pd-PRA
Combination British Shorthair
ALPS + Myotonia + PKD + Blood Group DNA test + Copper coat color + pd-PRA
Combination Burmese cat
GM2 + Frontonasal dysplasia + Hypokalemia + Myotonia + Blood Group DNA test
Combination coat colours cat
Agouti, Brown (Chocolate/Cinnamon), Colourpoint (Siampoint/ Burmapoint) and Dilution
Combination Cornish Rex
Hypokalemia + Blood Group DNA test + Myotonia + PRA-rdAc
Combination House Cat and European Cat 1
CEP + Gangliosidosis (AB variant) + GM2 + HCM + Haemophilia B + Blood Group DNA test + PK deficiency
Combination House Cat and European Cat 2
Mucopolysaccharidosis I + Mucopolysaccharidosis VI + Mucopolysaccharidosis VII + Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 + Congenital Myotonia + Hyperlipoproteinaemia + Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency
Combination Korat
GM1 + GM2 + Myotonia + Blood Group DNA test
Combination Maine Coon Polydactyl
HCM + Factor XI deficiency + Factor XII deficiency + PK deficiency + SMA + Cystinuria, type B + Blood Group DNA test + Polydactyly
Combination Maine Coons
HCM + Factor XI deficiency + Factor XII deficiency + PK deficiency + SMA + Cystinuria, type B + Blood Group DNA test
Combination Munchkins
Factor XII deficiency + HCM in Ragdoll + HCM in Maine Coon + Blood Group DNA test + PK deficiency + PRA-rdAc + HCM4
Combination Norwegian Forest cat
Lokus E - Amber + GSD IV + PK deficiency + Blood Group DNA test
Combination Persian cat
Mannosidosis + PK deficiency + PKD + Blood Group DNA test + pd-PRA
Combination Ragdoll
HCM + PRA-rdAc + PKD + MDR1 + Factor XII deficiency + pd-PRA
Combination Savannah cat
Factor XII deficiency + Blood Group DNA test + PK deficiency + Progressive retinal atrophy
Combination Scottish Fold
HCM1 + HCM4 + pd-PRA + PKD + PRA-rdAc + SFOCD + blood group
Combination Siamese cat
GM1 + Mucopolysaccharidosis VI + Mucopolysaccharidosis VI + Cystinuria, type B + Factor XII deficiency + Glaucoma 3 + PRA-rdAc + MDR1 + Blood Group DNA test
Combination Siberian cat
PK deficiency + Golden coat colour + Locus D feline + Blood Group DNA test + Cystinuria, type B
Combination Singapore cat
Hypokalemia + Blood Group DNA test + PK deficiency + PRA-rdAc
Combination Somali cat
PKD + PRA-rdAc + PK deficiency + blood group
Combination Sphynx
Muscular dystrophy + Hypotrichosis in Sphynx + Hypokalemia + Blood Group DNA test + HCM4
Acrodermatitis enteropathica
Acrodermatitis enteropathica in Turkish Van
Porphyria, acute intermittent
Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
Blood Group DNA test
Blood and cheek swab samples.
Congenital adrenal hypoplasia
Porphyria, congenital erythropoietic
Congenital hypothyroidism
Congenital hypothyroidism in Domestic cat
Congenital Myotonia
Congenital Myotonia
Cystinuria, type B
Cystinuria, type B
Cystinuria, type I-A
Cystinuria, type I-A in Domestic Shorthair
Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency
Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency
Factor XI deficiency
Factor XI deficiency in Maine Coon
Factor XII deficiency
Factor XII deficiency
Frontonasal dysplasia
Frontonasal dysplasia in Burmese
Gangliosidosis (AB variant)
Gangliosidosis (AB variant) in Domestic cat
Glaucoma 3
Glaucoma 3 in Siamese cat
GM1 Gangliosidosis in Korat and Siamese cats
GM2 Gangliosidosis in Burmese cats
GM2 Gangliosidosis in Korat cats
GM2 Gangliosidosis in Japanese bobtail cat
GM2 in domestic shorthaired cat
Gangliosidosis GM2 in a domestic shorthaired cat
Glycogen storage disease type IV for Norwegian forest cats
Haemophilia B
Haemophilia B in Domestic Longhair cat
Haemophilia B
Haemophilia B
HCM in cat
HCM in Maine Coon
HCM in Maine Coon cats - detetion of Meurs mutation (A31P)
HCM in Ragdoll
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy for Ragdoll cats.
HCM ragdoll + PKD
Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic
BHP - Burmese Hypokalaemic Polyomyopathy
Hypotrichosis in Sphynx
Hypotrichosis in Sphynx
Hypotrichosis in the Birman cat
Hypotrichosis in the Birman cat
Alpha-mannosidosis in the Persian cat
MDR1 (Multi-drug resistance 1)
Mucopolysaccharidosis I
Mucopolysaccharidosis I
Mucopolysaccharidosis VI
Mucopolysaccharidosis VI
Mucopolysaccharidosis VI
Mucopolysaccharidosis VI in Siamese cat
Mucopolysaccharidosis VII
Mucopolysaccharidosis VII in domestic shorthaired cats
Muscular dystrophy
dystroglycanopathy in Devon Rex, Sphynx
Niemann-Pick disease, type C1
Niemann-Pick disease, type C1
Leber congenital amaurosis
PK deficiency
for more cat breeds
Polycystic kidney disease - persian and exotic Persian-outcrossed breeds are in the highest risk of feline PKD due to frequent inbreeding.
Polydactyly in Maine Coon
Retinal degeneration in cats for several cat breeds
Progressive retinal atrophy
PRA in the Bengal cats, Savannah cats and Highlander cats
Scottish Fold osteochondrodysplasia (SFOCD)
Spinal muscular atrophy in Maine Coon cats
Vitamin D-deficiency rickets, type IA
Cat coat color and quality
Albinism in cats for several cat breeds
Coat colour, Blotched tabby
Coat colour, Blotched tabby
Copal coat colour
Copal coat colour in Kurilian Bobtail
Copper coat color
Copper coat color in British shorthair
Curly coat
Curly coat in Selkirk rex
Curly coat
Curly coat in Ural Rex
Curly/woolly coat
Curly/woolly coat, Cornish Rex and German Rex
Feet white (gloving)
Feet white (gloving) in Birma
Golden coat colour
Golden (sunshine, extreme sunshine) coat colour in Siberian
Locus A
Agouti locus
Locus B feline
chocolate, cinnamon coat color
Locus C
Colour point restriction - siam, burma allele
Locus D feline
color dilution
Locus E - russet
Russet coat colour in Burmese
Locus W
white color and white spots in cats
Lokus E - Amber
Amber coat colour in Norwegian Forest Cats
Long Hair
test of FGF5-gene variants
Long Hair in British cats
test of M4 FGF5-gene variant
Ticked coat colour
Ticked coat colour
Profiling and parentity
DNA banking
We offer cat DNA banking service. We preserve DNA for 10 years!
Parentage to the feline SNP genetic profile - for young
Recommend blood samples for paternity testing.
Premium feline SNP DNA profile
new test
Pathogen detection by PCR method
Chlamydophila felis
detection by RT-PCR
FeLV + FIV + FCoV - PCR tests
3 PCR tests from one sample
FeLV - real time PCR test
Qualitative real time PCR test for detection of Feline Leukemia Virus presence
FHV-1 Feline Herpes Virus
Qualitative PCR test for detection presence of FHV-1 in cats.
FIP - PCR test of FCoV
Qualitative PCR test for detection presence of feline coronavirus in cats.
FIV - real time PCR test
Qualitative real time PCR test for detection of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus presence
Alergy tests
After screening: environmental allergens - cat - PAX technology
After screening: environmental and food allergens - cat - PAX technology
After screening: food allergens - cat - PAX technology
Environmental allergens - cat - PAX technology
Detection of cat IgE antibodies against allergens pollen grasses and trees, molds, mites and parasites
Environmental and food allergens - cat - PAX technology
Complete allergology test for cats - Detection of dog IgE and IgG antibodies against allergens pollen grasses and trees, molds, mites, parasites and food
Food allergens - cat - PAX technology
Detection of cat IgE and IgG antibodies against food allergens
Sarcoptes allergens - cat - NEXT+ technology
Screening: environmental allergens - cat - PAX technology
Screening: environmental and food allergens - cat - PAX technology
Screening: food allergens - cat - PAX technology
Imunology tests
AB Blood Group - serological test
For Czech citizens only.
Molecular analysis of clonality of B and T lymphocytes
PCR analysis of c-kit mutations