Genetic tests for dogs of breed: Hungarian Short-haired Pointing Dog

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Coat variations in Hungarian Vizsla

The Hungarian Vizsla comes in four coat variations – shorthaired smooth, wirehaired, longhaired wirehair and longhaired non-wired. Out of these four types only two types are officially recognised as separate breeds (Hungarian Shorthaired Vizsla and Hungarya Wirehaired Vizsla). The long-haired variations have not been recognised as separate breeds because of their recessively inherited trait (genotype FGF5/FGF5) thanks to which these variations can occur in any litter, when two parents, carriers of the recessive allele (FGF5), are mated and consequently a longhaired offspring may be born. In general, the coat variability in Hungarian Vizslas is influenced particularly by the genes FGF5 and RSPO2. You can find more information about genetics of coat at separate website.

Test Common price
Combination coat colors + coat length in dogs
Loci A + B + D + E + I + KB and coat length M1, M3, M4, M5 128.00 $
Combination coat colors in dogs
Loci A + B + D + E + I + KB 113.00 $
Combination coat colors in dogs, extended
Loci A + B + D (d1, d2, d3) + E (EM, eG,eH, e1, e2, e3) + I + KB 128.00 $
Combination Hungarian Pointing Dog
FGF5 + HUU + NCCD + ECLE + Dwarfism (Skeletal dysplasia 3) 128.00 $
Premium SNP DNA profile (ISAG 2020)
new test - SNP genetic profile at a discounted price, ordered with the test combination 51.00 $
Screening for hereditary diseases and appearance traits of the dog
Screening for hereditary diseases and appearance traits of the dog - 255 markers included 189.00 $
Test Common price
Brachycephaly Association test of brachycephaly - test is part of the Screening test of hereditary diseases and visual features of the dog Ordering not possible
DM* (SOD1A) Degenerative Myelopathy - detection of SOD1A (tested by partner lab) 56.00 $
Dwarfism (Skeletal dysplasia 3) Dwarfism in Vizslas - skeletal dysplasia 3 (SD3) 56.00 $
ECLE Exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematosus in German Shorthaired Pointers and Vizslas 56.00 $
Hyperuricosuria Hyperuricosuria in several dog breeds
56.00 $
MH Malignant Hyperthermia for all breeds 56.00 $
NCCD in Hungarian Vizsla Neonatal Cerebellar cortical degeneration in Hungarian Vizsla 56.00 $
test combination for many dog breeds 94.00 $

Dog coat color and quality

Test Common price
Coat length FGF5 general test of coat lenght in dogs 56.00 $
Coat length FGF5 - basic test test of c.284G>T FGF5 gene mutation suitable for many breeds 49.00 $
Furnishing RSPO2 Hair growth determined by RSPO2 gene for Chinese crested dog,Dachshund, German Shorthaired Pointer, Irish Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, Portuguese Water Dog, Bichon Havanese, Havana silk dog...
49.00 $
Locus A (Alleles Ay, aw, at, a) Agouti locus 49.00 $
Locus B canine Locus B - Brown 49.00 $
Locus D canine (allele d1) Locus D - Dilution causing by allele d1 49.00 $
Locus E Locus E - Extension - detection of recessive variant e 49.00 $
Locus I phaeomelanin dilution 49.00 $
Locus K Locus K 49.00 $
Locus M (Merle) 49.00 $
Shedding MC5R 49.00 $
White spotting MITF gene analysis 49.00 $
Furnishing - Shedding
RSPO2 and MC5R genes 85.00 $
Locus A complete test (alleles Ay, Ays, aw at, asa, a)
Agouti locus 94.00 $
Locus E + EM
complete test of E and EM loci 85.00 $
Merle + White spotting
coat color combination test of merle and white spotting 85.00 $

Profiling and parentity

Test Common price
CaniLine Breed Identity Analysis 109.00 $
DNA banking We offer dog DNA banking service. We preserve DNA for 10 years! 22.00 $
Genetic profile - additional panel Ordering not possible
Genetic profile DNA (ISAG2006) Accredited method, ISAG quality tests in rank 1 51.00 $
Parentage to the SNP genetic profile - for young Recommend blood samples for paternity testing. 5.00 $
Parentage to the STR genetic profile - for young Recommend blood samples for paternity testing. 5.00 $
Premium SNP DNA profile (ISAG 2020) new test 64.00 $
DNA profile of the dog - combination of STR (ISAG2006) and SNP (ISAG2020)
102.00 $

Pathogen detection by PCR method

Test Common price
CHV - Canine Herpes Virus Qualitative PCR test for detection presence of CHV in dogs. 34.00 $

Alergy tests

Test Common price
After screening: environmental allergens - dog - PAX technology 184.00 $
After screening: environmental and food allergens - dog - PAX technology 259.00 $
After screening: food allergens - dog - PAX technology 146.00 $
Environmental allergens - dog - PAX technology Detection of dog IgE antibodies against allergens pollen grasses and trees, molds, mites and parasites 195.00 $
Food allergens - dog - PAX technology Detection of dog IgE and IgG antibodies against food allergens 150.00 $
Sarcoptes allergens (Ig test) - dog - NEXT+ technology 50.00 $
Screening: environmental allergens - dog - PAX technology 71.00 $
Screening: environmental and food allergens - dog - PAX technology 115.00 $
Screening: food allergens - dog - PAX technology 71.00 $
Environmental and food allergens - dog - PAX technology
Complete allergology test for dogs - Detection of dog IgE and IgG antibodies against allergens pollen grasses and trees, molds, mites, parasites and food 282.00 $


Test Common price
Molecular analysis of clonality of B and T lymphocytes 145.00 $
PCR analysis of c-kit mutations 158.00 $